Difference between General Ledger and Subsidiary Ledger
General ledger contains all accounts and control account for
some transaction. Control accounts basically a summary account for large number
of accounts.
Subsidiary ledger contains the individual account of debtor
and creditor. Subsidiary ledger is maintained for better management of record
because technically it is not feasible for general ledger to have hundred of
individual account.
1. Double Entry
General ledger is integral record and forms a double entry
cycle. Subsidiary ledger is memorandum record in the accounting cycle.
2. Updating
Subsidiary ledger is updated immediately. General ledger is
update on periodical especially for control accounts.
3. Reporting
General ledger provides necessary information for
preparation of financial statement on timely bases. Where the subsidiary has no
direct role in preparation of financial statement.
4. Control
Subsidiary ledger
provides useful information for tracking and controlling the debtor and
creditor. Credit policy control is implemented through subsidiary ledger