Overseas operations and local market understanding
Overseas operation is a right direction to understand the local market and its dynamics. each market has its own dynamics. There are number of factor which make one market different from another and those factor can only be deeply understood when you are operating in that market.
While operating in another country entity is interacting with different people at different level and this provides entity a lot of information for understand the market and decision making.
Interaction with Customer
The entity has direct interaction with the customer and thus in a better position to understand the customer expectation from the entity.
Social values
The entity can understand the social values of the society by starting the overseas operation. This provides and opportunity to entity to interact with different segment of society.
Product Design and features
The overseas operation give an idea about what type of product is needed in the market and what should be the features of those product.
Market Nature
The overseas operation also provide an opportunity to understand the market nature whether the market is a price sensitive or quality conciseness.
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