Sunday 23 November 2014

Labour Problems in Pakistan

Labour Problems in Pakistan

The following are the major problems that labour class faces in Pakistan

1. Low Wages:  labor wage rate is very low in Pakistan. This rate is not sufficient to meet the monthly budget requirement of the labor and therefore labor class faces many difficulties to meet domestic expenditure. Labor class takes regular loan from the relatives and also takes essential items on credit.

The Government has introduced the minimum wage rate for labor class i.e 12,000 per month. No financial expert in the country can set a monthly budget for a family with this amount. Furthermore even this rate is not being paid in many cases because Government has no mechanism to implement this wage rate.

2. Poor Working Environment: The labor class works in a dangerous work environment which poses great threat to their health and lives.  Labour class has no option but to accept this environment as the labor class has little knowledge about labour rights. The laws and regulation also not implemented in true spirit in Pakistan. Therefore the labor class has accepted the condition as written in his fate.

3. No Job Security: Labour class is not offered with any job security and can be terminated from the job at any time. The labor class feels insecure all the time and this creates many social and psychological problems in the personality of labor. The labor court provides little relief in this regards. In many cases where thousands of labor are terminated with one stoke of pin could not get any relief from the court.

4. No Training Opportunity: labour is not provided for any job training this put intense pressure on labour class to learn the job by him and perform it accurately. There is no career growth opportunity for labor class in Pakistan. He is hired as labor works as labor and retire as labour. There is also no on job training facility offered to labor class.

5. No additional benefit: labor class in Pakistan is not provided with any other benefit and the wage is the only single benefit for the labour.   Labour class is not provided with any allowance like travelling facility or accommodation facility or accommodation allowance. There are also no recreational facilities for the labor .The only objective of employer to get maximum work from the labor class at lowest rate.

6. No Social Security: labour class in Pakistan is not provided any social security. They find themselves helpless in case of disease, accident or death.

7. Low Overtime Rate: The overtime rate is very low in Pakistan, and if anyone refuses to work at such rate the refuse to work at lower rate, then he is terminated straightaway. In developed world the overtime is paid at higher than wage rate but in Pakistan it is paid lower than wage rate and owner consider that this is the right of employer to ask the labor to work on overtime. The owner deem it provide an opportunity to earn more and labor class also think on same lines.

8. Illiterate: The majority of labor class in Pakistan is illiterate therefore they cannot raise their voices for their rights and there are very few forum available for labor rights, even those forums rarely provides any relief to labour class, so effectively labor has no place to raise his voice for justice.

 Due to illiteracy there is no coordination among the labor they don’t believe in unity and they don’t understand each other point of view. They take the difference of opinion as rivalry and start a cold war against each other. This situation is really favorable for the employer.

9. Manipulated by labor leaders: The labor class in Pakistan is also used by labor leader for the personal advantage from the industrialist. This is the reason that the condition of labor union is improves in days and labor condition further deteriorates.

10. No Profit Sharing: There is no such concept of sharing a profit. The employer enjoys the full profit.

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