Monday 24 November 2014

Why Quality Management is required

Why Quality Management is required

The world has moved from quantity to quality and customer is more quality conscience in the modern world. The customer is interested in high quality products and therefore organizations are required to maintain a high quality standard.

What is the meaning of quality?

Quality means that to do a job excellently. It is important to note that quality is quiet a subjective thing and therefore are number of factor involved while deciding the quality.

What is quality management process?

The quality management involves the following processes

1. Establish Standard

The first step is to establish the quality standard that is required to be met. A care must be exercised while establishing the standard because unrealistic standard not only will not be met but also de motivation factor within organization.

2. Methods and procedures

The second step to establish required methods and procedures to ensure that established standard are met. In first step we decided what to achieve and in this step we look that how to achieve. It is impossible to achieve the required standard without popper methods and procedures.

3. Monitoring

The third step is the monitoring of actual performance as per required standards. Organization must also step a proper structure of monitoring the performance in context of set standards. The results of performance must be appropriately recorded and analyzed. A proper report must be prepared for management use.

4. Control
The final stage is to control action .the control action is based on the on the monitoring reports. It must be noted that control is a continuous process and

Example of Quality process

1. Set Standard

ABC company has established a standard that customer complains will be sorted out within 24 hours.

2. Establishing Standard

Company may be set the following methods and procedures to met the standard
·         Timely complains are recorded
·         Complaints are communicated to technical teams
·         Appropriate resources are available. human resource, etc
·         Technical team reporting procedure from the fault site

3. Monitoring

The organization must monitor the actual problem solving be the technical team. This can be observed by
·         Preparing the problem solving reports
·         Direct inquiry from the customer who lodged the complaints.

4. Control

The management will take appropriate control action to improve the performance. The control action is based on the monitoring results produced during the monitoring of the actual performance and comparison thereof with the standards.

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