Tuesday 11 November 2014

Difference between Revenue and Income

Difference between Revenue and Income


Revenues and income both have the same meaning in business language and both are gross inflow of economic benefit. Which term to be used depends on the nature of business and normal industry practice?

2.Business Income

Revenue is basically a business term and can be used only for business income where income can be used both for business income and non business income i.e Salary income, Dividend income.

3.Net inflow

Net flow of economic benefit is calculated by deducting the relevant business expenses from revenue and income. Net inflow in case of revenue is known as profit where in case of income it is called net income.

4.Nonprofit organization

Nonprofit organization always uses the term income instead of revenue because nonprofit organization are established for a charitable purpose and not to earn profit therefore it is not appropriate the profit related terminology in nonprofit organization.

Examples of revenues

Famous example of business income normally expressed with income heading is dividend income, interest income, royalty income. The famous example of revenue is sale of goods.

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