Thursday 13 November 2014

Types of purchases

Types of purchases

Purchases are one of the important activities in the business. One can judge the importance volume of purchases transaction that separate primary entry books are maintained for purchase known as purchase journal.  Purchases transaction can be classified into three categories

1. Cash purchases
Purchases are made by making full payment in cash. Purchases account is debit with full amount and cash or bank is credited with the amount appearing on bill.

2. Credit Purchases
In Credit purchase the payment is deferred for future. In this case the purchases are debited and supplier account is credited and when payment is made then supplier account is debited and cash and bank account is credited.

3. Partly paid purchases
In partly paid purchases some amount is paid at the time of purchase and balance amount is paid in future. In this case purchases are debit with full amount and cash and supplier account is credited for cash paid and cash to be paid in future respectively.

Journal Entries Example of Different Type of Purchases
ABC made a purchases of Rice of $ 200 on Cash

Purchases A/C

      Cash A/C


ABC made Purchases of Rice $ 300 from Aslam on Credit

Purchases A/C

      Cash A/C


3. ABC Co made purchases 400 from Waqar and made payment $ 200.

Purchases A/C

      Cash     A/C

      Waqar A/C


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